Chatfield Family Chiropractic

At Chatfield Family Chiropractic we strive to change your family’s health from good to great by providing quality chiropractic care at a fair price to get you feeling your best!

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About Us

Meet the Doctor

Thomas Sheehan DC grew up on his family’s dairy farm outside of Rochester. After high school he attended the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, graduating with a biology degree. He then attended chiropractic school at Northwestern Health Sciences University graduating in 2017. He currently lives in Chatfield with his wife Laura, and sons Harrison and Bennett. He enjoys treating patients of all ages and has increased his ability to provide quality care through continuing education. He is certified in acupuncture, graston, kinesiology taping, and performing DOT physicals. He has taken many classes through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association and is Webster certified to provide the best possible care for pregnant women, infants, and children. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family, working on his parent’s farm, and being on the Chatfield Fire Department and Lions Club.

Chiropractic Care

What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care helps to reduce nerve stress and restore normal function. It is not a treatment for specific conditions but a positive side effect of chiropractic care is that it can help the body function better. The nerves that regulate, control, and supply the body start at the brain stem, travel down the spinal cord, and branch off between vertebrae connecting the brain to the rest of the body. When we take off stress from the nervous system the body functions better and some conditions will likely improve. Below are several conditions/populations that we often see improvements with.
  • Joint Pain
  • Pregnancy
  • Infants and Children
  • Athletes
  • Acid Reflux
  • Asthma & Allergies
  • Colic
  • Constipation
  • Ear Infections
  • Headaches
  • Sciatica
  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Nerve Impingement
  • And Many More!

Types of Care

Click on each one to learn more

Chiropractors work with the human body to enhance the body’s natural ability to restore and heal. At Chatfield Family Chiropractic we perform a comprehensive examination and health history to understand what is going on with your body and how we can help it function at its best. We do this by performing specific adjustments to remove nerve interference allowing your brain and body to communicate with each other at an optimal level. By removing disturbances to the nervous system, we will create a treatment plan that is individualized to meet an individuals specific needs. At Chatfield Family Chiropractic we believe that chiropractic care is beneficial at every stage in life from infants to elderly.
A child’s skeletal and nervous system is a delicate balance of strength and movement. Normal life events such as birth, sleeping positions, falls, and playing with siblings can cause small misalignments in the spine, tight muscles, and inflammation. Misalignments cause disturbances in the communication between the brain and the rest of the body. Chiropractic care can help remove theses interferences. Regular chiropractic visits may result in improvements in latching, nursing, mood, sleep, regulated bowel movements, and faster recovery. Chiropractic care for young children looks very different than an adult adjustment as it is tailored to be gentle and safe for their growing body. Dr. Tom has taken many hours of training through the International Chiropractic Pediatric association to provide the best care to kids from birth to graduating high school.
Acupuncture is done by placing extremely thin, sterile needles gently into the body at specific acupuncture points. By needling these points, the nervous system is stimulated to releasing chemicals that help reduce pain and decrease inflammation. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it is believed that energy flows throughout the body organized by meridians. These meridians can experience blockages that restrict the proper flow of energy. Needles help to loosen these blockages and allow energy to flow correctly. Treatments generally last 20-30 minutes.
Webster technique is a chiropractic technique specifically created to remove interference from the nervous system of a pregnant woman’s body. The Webster technique requires specialized training to perform. It entails adjustments to the sacrum and pelvis as well as stretches to muscles and ligaments to ensure that a mother’s body is in its optimal position. It removes nerve interference allowing the mother’s body to communicate better with baby giving the body the assistance it needs for a better pregnancy and delivery.
Myofascial release utilizes soft tissue mobilization and incorporates the use of an instrument to separate and break down scar tissue while also stretching connective tissue and muscle fibers. Dr. Tom is certified in Graston Technique which is a specific type of stainless-steel instrument designed to help the practitioner identify areas of restriction. Cross friction massage using this type of instrument causes inflammation to the area being treated increasing the rate and amount of blood flow. This helps initiate and promote the healing process in the affected soft tissues. Myofascial release can be used for most acute and chronic Musculo-skeletal conditions. It can also be used for muscle training, coordination, and performance enhancing.
Electrical Stimulation therapy helps tight muscles loosen and relax by using electricity to make them softly contract over a period of time. Electrical stimulation also decreases inflammation and pain. Often times we place a hot or cold pack over the area being electrically stimulated. Heat helps to further loosen tight muscles, improve circulation, and speed up the healing process. Cold helps to decrease pain and swelling.
Ultrasound therapy uses soundwaves to increase tissue relaxation, stimulate blood flow, and break up scar tissue adhesions. It can help reduce inflammation in a targeted area speeding up the healing process.
Dr. Tom is certified at functional kinesiology taping methods that can improve movement and performance. It can help with pain management, edema/swelling control, and proprioceptive guidance to increase postural positioning. Watch any high-level sporting event and you are almost guaranteed to see someone using kinesiology tape. It is not just for athletes; it can also help you finish weeding the garden before it rains or make it through the work day when you can’t take a day off but your shoulder wants to.


Services Provided

  • New Patient Exam + Adjustment $80.00
  • Adjustment $35.00
  • Acupuncture $40.00
  • DOT Physical $80.00
  • Ultrasound $15.00
  • Electric Stimulation $15.00
  • Kinesiology Taping $24.00
  • Cupping $15.00
  • Myofascial Release $10.00
  • Hydro-Therapy Massage Bed $10.00
Visit Plans
  • 20 Adjustments at $30 per adjustment (versus $35 per adjustment standard price) $600.00 due at time of purchase.
  • 20 Acupuncture treatments at $35 per treatment (versus $40 per treatment standard price) $700.00 due at time of package purchase.
  • Each plan saves $100!


Hours of Operation

  • Monday 8:30-11:00am 12:00-3:30pm

  • Tuesday 8:30 am -12:00 pm 3:00-7:00pm

  • Wednesday 8:30am -12:00pm

  • Thursday 8:30am – 12:00 pm 3:00-7:00pm

  • Friday 8:30am – 11:00am 12:00-3:30pm

  • Saturday Select dates 9:00am – 1:00pm. Please call for availability

  • Sunday - Closed


Appointments can be made online via the Jane App. The App easily allows you to view when Tom's schedule is open, schedule a visit and pay online.

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Contact Info:

Chatfield Family Chiropractic
119 Main St S Chatfield, MN 55923
507-867-3558 Phone
507-867-3559 Fax

Email: [email protected]

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